Author: Stella

pumpkin cake doughnuts


These little doughnuts, I can’t even begin to explain how I came about making them.  Well actually, I could, but I’ll spare you the whole story.  It’s a story about corruption and lose.  This all means, that I entered a doughnut contest at work and lost and was a sore loser about it.  But that doesn’t mean they weren’t good.  I’ve never won much in my life in terms of contests or drawings, not even BINGO in Spanish class, so I’ve coped and made peace with it.  I’m super good at marketing this blog post: try my losing doughnuts!


five things


R making some delicious pizza!

I am going to try and incorporate one of my favorite assignments from a writing class I took in college.  The assignment was to write five thoughts or observations every single day.  I still do this in my little orange notebook (not the blog, but my cute little journal), so I thought I might share some on here from time to time.


around the world in 14 days


Cape Town, South Africa | Photo by me!

Okay, slight exaggeration.  I am definitely not going around the world, but there is some traveling in the next few days ahead.  Enough to make this homebody feel slightly uncomfortable, and well, stressed to the max!  But, trying to stick to my new year’s resolution, I am trying to find ways to be calm and relaxed.  Soo much easier said than done.


feta and chive sour cream scones


I do this thing where I find PICTURES of food that look amazing and obsess over it for days, weeks, months even. I talk about it to every person I meet. I post about it on Facebook. I dream about it in my dreams. But the weird thing is, sometimes I don’t actually make it. WEIRD. I call it procrastination meets laziness meets I-don’t-want-to-do-the-dishes.


pecan pie

photo (2)

I know that it has only been like… 22 days since the new year resolutions started rolling out for people, so I do apologize for this amazing pecan pie recipe below.  But I have been contemplating sharing this recipe since the minute I took my first bite, so I knew that I had to share it for the sheer reasoning of just getting it off my mind (oh and it is crazy good).  I must admit, I was a pecan pie virgin, but no longer and good riddance.


two treats for lucy

Here’s a very cute video of Lucy getting treats!  Happy hump day.  It feels good that we’ve reached the middle of the week.

And may I just say that I am ready for some sunshine and warmer weather?  All this “cold” and rain forces me come home from work and change straight into my pjs (hence the lack of blog posting).  Until the weather lightens up, I am going to cuddle this sweet dog and become dormant.